Cognitive Dissonance
People at Dunkin' Donuts accept tips at the counter and the drive-through window, and some of them are often harsh and rude. Have we disconnected "gratuity" from being polite? Are they now independent variables?!
Stupid Human Tricks
Walking the dog in the early hours with dark clothing in the street because the snowfall has covered the sidewalks and lawns is beyond stupid. Even cars that see you can slide into you. I'm concerned about the dogs.
Just Sign This
A woman who belongs to an association to which I also belong, but whom I don't know personally, writes me to ask if I'll provide a testimonial for her upcoming book. She included one chapter and the table of contents,
Desperately Seeking Intellectualism
There's a woman on Linkedin claiming (with photos) she made a completely false talk at TEDx and people loved it. Why doesn't this surprise me? (Item courtesy of Becky Morgan.)
What Do You Mean, “Go Ahead”?
I find it interesting that when I pause on the roads to allow a driver to turn in front of me or pull out, that person often looks at me skeptically, as if it's a trick or a trap. Sometimes
Want to Stand Out in A Crowd? Just Pay For It.
Most of us—maybe some of us—realize that being in a Who's Who simply means that you've paid for the placement and agreed to buy books, and that a great many "top ten" books in the Times and Wall Street Journal are the
Artificial Unintelligence
The younger and younger people I see in positions in major organizations—client service phone lines, retail sales, airline desk agents—the poorer and poorer judgment I encounter. It doesn't seem to be a matter of smarts so much as a matter
I’m Sorry, That’s Not Funny
I just saw someone on Linkedin advertise herself as a "neuro-humorist." That sounds like one of these ridiculous menu entrees talking about all kinds of sauces in five languages when what you basically have is a garden salad. Can you see
I'm continually astounded by the lack of serious education displayed on Facebook by people who don't understand socialism, throw "fascism" around as if it's all around us, find conspiracies under all the rugs, and seem to believe there is only
Root, Root, Root, for the Home Team….
We're now at that magical time of year for some when professional football, baseball, basketball, and hockey are all being played. In those arenas and stadiums is where people should be screaming, not on elevators, in corridors, or during meetings.