What’s in it for Them?
Behind every corporate business objective are personal objectives of the person or people advocating the goal. Find out what they are (reduced stress, shorter hours, higher visibility, larger bonus, etc.) and you'll achieve an important emotional connection that will enhance
I love the server or bartender who says, "Would you like your usual drink?" One guy sets up my martini when he sees me parking my car outside. Or when they automatically bring my wife a diet soda refill when
Of Course You Have the Time
Time and money are not resources, they are priorities. That is, a buyer can "reallocate" them to higher needs. We do this all the time, deciding to spend money on an unanticipated opportunity and spend time at a newly-scheduled event. Hence,
Maybe THIS Is “Digital Transformation”
Once upon a time, people bought newer cars (used or brand new) based on improved performance and more modern styling. The technology wasn't greatly advanced. Push-button radios and automatic transmissions were hardly world-shaking. Today, cars that are very well built and
Are You A Guest or an Expense?
I can tell how well a hotel is managed by the staff, and whether they greet you in the halls or avert their eyes and pretend they don't see you. It's pretty obvious when a hotel (or restaurant) is trying
It’s “what,” not “how”
The best way to avoid questions about your methodology instead of your results is to stop talking to lower level people, especially HR. Talk only to true buyers. They're interested in outcomes. If you keep encountering this obstacle, it's you, not them.
Let’s Find Out Who Did This!
One of the problems in problem solving in organizations is that people aren't seeking the cause of the problem, they're seeking blame. The problem with this is that, whether this is actually the "guilty" party found or not, penalizing that person or removing
Root Cause
An executive at Merck once told me: "If I see an employee performing poorly, I go immediately to his or her manager and ask how that could be allowed and tolerated. That's where the root of the problem is."
I coach people all over the world and we all adjust for the time zones. I've found that I'm far more comfortable and effective having visited others' countries at some point. I know what the surroundings are like, the food
During an "open house" at my kids' school on evening (do they still have these?) the fourth grade teacher, who must have been 24-years-old, said, "Here's the deal: If you don't believe what your kids tell you about me, I