Some Simple Lists
In my experience, about 85% of organizations attempting change of any sort are largely unsuccessful. Reasons: • Fad • HR sponsored or implemented • Some manager's pet project • No long-term reinforcement • No adjustments made for culture or beliefs • No flexibility as conditions change •
Stupid Amateurism
I receive Google Alerts each day, which inform me of where my name, "million dollar consulting," "value based fees," and other aspects of my intellectual property appear. Overwhelmingly, these are favorable notices, and I always try to say "thank you."
Stiletto Questions
I've often spoken of the "martial arts" of language, which means taking the other person's momentum and turning it back at them. For example, when you're asked, "What is your fee?" you respond, "I don't know, what are your goals?"
Five Named to Million Dollar Consulting® Mentor Hall of Fame
January 25, 2010 For Immediate Release Five Inducted Into Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame Five outstanding consultants from diverse disciplines have been inducted into the Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame. Criteria for membership in this elite group are: • Serving as an exemplar
False Positives
Here are some marketing indicators that you might take to be highly favorable, but in fact are not very promising: • The buyer says very quickly in the initial conversation, "Sounds interesting, can you send a proposal?" (If you don't have a
Terms of Endearment
I've been getting a LOT of requests for help lately with payment terms. It seems as if the recovery is opening up business, but accounts payable (purchasing, etc.) has been given Ming the Merciless-like powers to keep the wallet closed. Never
The Power of Strategic Commitment
Here's a link ( to a op ed piece written by my two co-authors of The Power of Strategic Commitment, Josh Leibner and Gershon Mader. They've undertaken a very sophisticated and comprehensive approach toward using the new book (from
101 Questions for Any Sales Situation
© Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved. I. Qualifying the Prospect This is the process of determining whether the inquiry is appropriate for your business in terms of size, relevance, seriousness, and related factors. In other words, you don’t want to
How NOT to Thrive!
In a couple of weeks or so, my newest book, Thrive! will be published. It is my first, hard cover, self-published book. I’ve decided on this route, despite new contracts with McGraw-Hill for 2010 and another publisher pending, because I
Lean Solo
Guest Article: Five Reasons Why the Best Solo Consultants Are Inherently Lean By Katherine Radeka As a solo consultant, I unabashedly claim that I am inherently leaner than my colleagues at large lean consulting firms: I deliver more value for the client’s investment