How to Find and Capitalize on High Potential Prospects
This is some of the material discussed recently at my 627 (six figures to seven figures) group: 1. Search for those with a successful history of using consultants and who require your particular expertise. 2. Consider yourself an expert, not a "consultant." 3.
Tips from the Million Dollar Consulting® Mentor Hall of Fame
Here is a summary of some best practices that emerged from our annual Hall of Fame meeting in New York this past week. In my global communities of thousands of people (and hundreds of thousands of readers) there are about
Keep Your Eye On The Ball
I was reading where Wayne Gretzky claimed he was successful because he skated to where he thought the puck would be, not where it was. In warfare, people firing at planes from the ground were taught to "lead" the plane
Don’t Drill, Think Big
Thinking big is about thinking laterally, not about drilling down. Too many people learn more and more about less and less. Think differently. An example: A great many people talk about customer evangelism. Why not talk about the epiphanic customer, who
What’s Your Metaphor?
Don't be alarmed because you don't know the buyer's company or industry as well as the buyer does. You never will. The key is to create a metaphor that you own to draw the buyer OUT of his or her world
Strut Your Stuff
Early in my career, a veteran consultant, arrogating wisdom, gave me some really bad advice—"Be humble and low key," he said, "don't overwhelm the prospect." Shortly thereafter, the briefly low key Alan was facing a buyer who said, "You don't
Self-Esteem and Skills
I've found that continually building skills can be undermined if one's self-worth (reflected in self-talk) isn't commensurately improved, and building self-worth can be dysfunctional if the requisite skills don't accompany it. In the chart above, you can see that strong self-esteem
The Purpose of A Business
The purpose of a business is to offer value (through products and/or services) to customers, who pay for the value with cash or equivalents. Minimally, the money received should fund the costs of operating the business as well as provide
What You Can Learn From My Wife, The Consultant
A new cupcake shop opened on Main Street in East Greenwich. This is the most affluent city in the state, sometimes called a "country club of a town," and these niche shops are all the rage in many states. My wife
Why The Wall Street Journal Doesn’t Ask Me To Consult
Someone named Sue Shellenbarger answers a "work and family mailbox" in the Wall Street Journal on occasion. Google tells me she's the former head of the paper's Chicago Bureau and has written a couple of books on topics such as