Do Not Throw Out That Trash
I'm going through my garage to see if I can find any classified documents. It seems these items aren't really placed in garages, but they grow there like some kind of wild vine or fungus. Frankly, I'm hoping mine are
Why Safe Driving Is Better than an Ambulance
Contingent action is represented by sprinkler systems, insurance, and fire alarms. They deal with a problem we sought to avoid but occurred anyway and now we have to deal with it. Preventive action is represented by fire marshals, safe wiring, and
There Is No Damn Reason, It’s Just Precedent
Getting up in the dark and going to dinner in the dark are not pleasant. is it true this time change business originated with train schedules and farmers' tending their crops and animals over a hundred years ago? Have you noticed
Taylor Swift does absolutely nothing for me. Why would the network moderator at the Fetterman/Oz Senate debate keep calling Dr. Oz, who has a medical degree, “Mr.” while Jill Biden, who has a PhD in English, everyone insists must
The Business of Politics, the Politics of Business
In organizational work, I had no respect for people who simply belittled others and tried to knock down any new idea or attempt at innovation. (Unfortunately, these people were often in leadership positions.) Today, politically, we see the same phenomenon. I
Racing Toward Average
American Airlines has decided to eliminate first class seats on international flights because, according to the CEO, "customers aren't buying them." They will expand business class seats, which will mean less individual space and less individual service. Perhaps customers "aren't buying
Here's a prediction; Within 10 years there will be three major newspapers in the US—New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USAToday. They will publish "localized editions" for major cities. But papers such as exist now for Dallas or Chicago, of San
Please Pass the Deliberately Rotted Tomato
I enjoy the traditions of Asian and Spanish food where many choices are on the table at one time to be shared by the diners, It's a wonderful, diverse experience enjoyed in the moment, I've come to detest the pompous "tasting
Minor Battles for the Road Warrior
I was walking along a wide hotel corridor on my way to the elevators at about 7 am. A door to the right and ahead of me opened and a hand appeared at the very bottom, patting the floor. I
Hello? Anyone here?
I'll tell you one sign of the changing times that I see from a certain perspective in my own journey: Earlier in my life I enjoyed working hard, and learning, and producing in order to stand out, apart from the