Sleeping On It
If you have an issue you're trying to work out, start thinking about it when you go to sleep. I've often awakened with new ideas, insights, resolutions, and so on. My analogy is that our brains aren't concerned with scores
Mental Retribution
If you're successful, do you ever think back about all those people who gave you bad advice, who were condescending, who turned you down even though they were wrong? I have to admit that I do at times. I understand that
Why I Am Not A Non-Profit
It is astounding how many people write me on social media to tell me that my books have been "an inspiration" and I am their "mentor" as they've experienced huge success. Then they hit me up for free help!
The Seagull Story
A guy is fishing in the surf near me at about 8 am—something I can't begin to understand—and after 45 minutes has caught exactly nothing. (I've seen one guy in 30 years catch something off a swimming beach.) At his
Finally, Useful Technology
In the typical week I deposit checks via my iPhone several times at whatever hours are convenient. This is technology that makes sense. Now, if they would just let me withdraw cash while at home
Cut Twice, Measure Once
"If you can't measure it, it's not worth doing." That's an example of pseudo-profundity which we find all over the internet, especially on Facebook and LinkedIn. And it's pretty inaccurate. (It seems to be in the repertoire of every poor speaker
The Bandwagon Myth
The concept of "jumping on the bandwagon" originated when the circus used to come to town and the wagons with musicians would be pulled through the streets by horse to advertise the arrival. Local politicians (of course) would "jump on
School Daze
What does it tell you about our unfounded belief that everyone should attend college (and accrue all the silly debt and have the government take the ridiculous position that others should pay it off) that a history major can't find
Where Have All the Workers Gone (Long Time Passing)?
There are fewer unemployment claims in the US today than there have been in the past 50 years. Yet we've had a "great resignation." Where did all those people go? Are we looking at the "gig economy" big time? And is
Supply Chain Shortage Real Causes
Around this time of year, we always have a large dish of jelly beans over the Easter Holidays on a table between the kitchen and the family room. It's our habit to take some traveling through the area. I don't