The Tipo People
There are many ways to be annoying typo-hunters. Here's an excerpt from my current Monday Morning Memo®: Monday Morning Perspective: A billion seconds ago it was 1951. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive and walking in Galilee. A billion hours ago
Bizarro World (It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault)
For those of you unfamiliar, "Bizarro" originated in the Superman Comics and was revived on Seinfeld. Essentially, it means "polar opposite," so there was an evil anti-Superman, an anti-Earth, and so on. However, it may not be strictly fictional or, alternatively,
Rehab Me
The mayor of San Diego, after long denying sexual harassment claims, has now apparently gone into "two weeks of intensive therapy" after overwhelming evidence has been brought against him by several women. Therapy and rehab have become way stations on the
I’ve Heard This Song Before
An outfit called FreshBooks has put out an ebook that resulted in two dozen emails to me over the past two weeks, all on the same subject. The kinder interpretation was "these guys really learned from you," and the unkinder
On Compassion
Here's one definition of compassion: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others: the victims should be treated with compassion. I wrote a Monday Morning Memo® recently about achieving certain goals and a woman wrote me to tell
It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault
Some business and personal practices require the individual to come up with stunningly stupid approaches. These aren't genetic or hereditary. They are not your mother's fault. She knew better, so get off the therapist's couch and take accountability for your
It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault
It's Not Your Mother's Fault: Vol. 1 Issue 3 We get a truckload of Christmas cards, which is wonderful. Many are sent by people from early in our marriage who stay in touch via an exchange of cards. Some people have
It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault
It's Not Your Mother's Fault Vol. 1 Issue #2 I run across too many people obsessed with the "fact" (viz.: personal belief) that they can't get a "break." The theater ticket is too difficult to acquire; the traffic made them late for
It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault Feedback
I've been getting two kinds of feedback to that first column. The first is all about addiction and battering. The points being made are that mental illness is not the fault of the individual, and you need more than to simply
It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault
It’s Not Your Mother’s Fault Vol. I Issue #1 This is the first is a series of columns that will appear on Alan’s Blog about the self-limiting beliefs we consciously and unconsciously allow to undermine our lives and success. I will reproduce