Sometimes I just get giddy about what's going on around us, the mythology of life, and pranks and games we accept as valid without question. From today's news: "In the latest case of the stunt going wrong, 25 employees of a Swiss
Hey, Come to the Meeting Tonight, Give Up Your Day Job
If one person recruited two people, and those two people recruited two people, by the 28th round the entire adult population of the US would be involved. Welcome to illogic underlying "pyramid marketing," "multi-level marketing," "network marketing," all children of the
No, Do Not Cut My Steak for Me
Amex has a service whereby a representative greets you at the jetway, escorts you to baggage claim, helps with the bags, and has the limo meet you at the curb. This particular woman would not stop talking, kept giving us advice,
No One Goes There Anymore, It’s Too Crowded (Yogi Berra)
The headlines are indicating that "people are spending the same way they did in 2019." Airlines are packed. Consumer goods are in great demand. Despite the "great resignation" it's tough to find enough staff for operations. International travel is returning
Exploding Heads
Some people get so worked up that it seems as if their heads are going to explode. Once that happens they're pretty useless. I admire passion, but not zealotry. I support evangelism but not fanaticism. If you want to convince others, counterintuitively,
You Owe Me (According to You)
I read this morning about a woman who grew up very poor, joined the Air Force and after her enlistment was up, went to college, and now is a success in business. A man wrote in saying that "he doesn't care
Some Priestly Hypocrisy
I heard a priest the other evening at a Lenten "mission" where various aspects of the church's beliefs are explained. At one point he said that we all must work to improve the church, and that the priesthood was not
Are You Here to Help or Complain About Helping?
I was reading on social media about someone complaining about a charity event where she volunteered to help, where it cost her $40 for gas, and she charged them for her raw materials (balloons), and had to walk across the
Want to Learn How to Make Love? Read this Book.
Raise your hand if you learned to ride a bike, or to ski, or scuba dive, fly a plane, or perform surgery by reading a book. I've done all these things except the surgery (unless you count splinter removal) and
Funny, You Look Like A Waiter
A bartender took great pride in explaining to some people at the bar the minute differences in certain kinds of bourbon, as if he were a liquor connoisseur.. (One you have a glass of bourbon you don't really appreciate distinctions