Once An Accident, Twice A Coincidence, Three Times A Pattern
Find the cause of your success and failures. Correlation is certainly not cause, and neither is coincidence. My dogs paw a door they want opened. The door is only opened when I'm around and going where they want to go. An occasional
Mixed Media Effect
Marshall McLuhan wrote about someone with expertise in one area being seen by others as (or actually claiming to be) expert in all areas. Hence, Barbra Streisand's constant political harangues, causing the opposing sentiment, Shut Up and Sing. We saw it again
What If It’s Not “This or That,” But Both?
Folks, let's understand that seldom does one advance in any area replace all that went before it. We still don't have a checkless society, nor paperless offices. We continue to use propeller-driven planes. Radio, even AM radio, has not disappeared.
What’s the Temperature?
I may have far less depth than you, but what happens to me sometimes is this: I get in the car and the outside temperature reading is 63° and I'm thinking, "Wow, great day for December!" Then I realize that
The Non-Resolutions
Statistically, 94.56% of New Year's resolutions are not met. (I made that up, but I'd bet on it.) The error is in making them in the first place without support. Want to accomplish some great objective—write a book, lose 25 pounds,
May I Have This Dance?
Why is it so hard to think of the tune of a favorite song when another song is being played? (At least it is for me!) I think it's because it's tough to conjure up something in your mind when
Stop Beating Yourself Up
I interact with some people who continually beat themselves up. (When I served on a suicide hotline I would encounter people who deliberately cut themselves, or took pills, or held a gun.) They beat themselves up about what they should
There are four conditions of friendship and relationship: People who are very positive with whom you want to create relationships. People who are positive whom you already know whom you want to retain. People who are negative but whom you fee obligated
Talk to Me
When you're delayed in an airport with no communication from the airline, you become increasingly angry. However, when the airline informs you frequently of the cause of the delay and expected departure, you can do other things, make other plans,
Shut Up
Over 95% of the time, the more you talk, the more you're trying to justify and validate your own thoughts and utterances. You're not talking to further educate the other party or to answer a question, you're either trying to