Speaking Candidly
The critical factors in successful "interviews" is not to have them. Have conversations instead—two colleagues chatting. Just make sure that you talk less than a third of the time. Use your comments and questions to prompt in-depth responses from the
I have news for you: You don't have a "personal life" and a "business life." You simply have "a life." Your professional/business activities support you and your family and your obligations, and provide enrichment and opportunity. Your non-professional/business activities enable you
If I Can Do It, You Can Do It. Or Not.
I've observed leaders in all fields who believe in demonstrating what needs to be done, and not expecting anyone to do what they can't do themselves. That's motivational, right? Well, it depends. Showing up for work at 7 am and departing
“Value Shock”
I'm so tired of people telling me that their prospect rejected their proposal because of "sticker shock." All that means is that you didn't provide enough demonstrable, dramatic value—and consequent ROI—to impress your prospects. Hence, they solely looked at cost
How I Wrote this Post this Morning
When people tell me they're "overwhelmed" I know exactly why, so I can help them. Do I have your attention? People experience a sense of overwhelm when they don't focus on a single issue in front of them, but instead engage in
Enjoyment and Importance
if you really enjoy doing something that has great import to others, you have a "calling" and success. If you really enjoy doing something that has only interest for you and don't need others, you have a stimulus or an addiction
Read This, There Is No Option
I'm a big believer in options—my famous "choice of yeses" in proposals—but only a very limited number. I prefer three. Researchers call a surfeit of options "choice overload" (https://insidebe.com/articles/choice-overload/#:~:text=Our%20ability%20to%20make%20a,satisfaction%20with%20the%20final%20decision.&text=Choice%20overload%20is%20a%20result,avoiding%20making%20a%20decision%20altogether.) and it simply means that too many choices tend to paralyze the
School Days
Royce starts Puppy School tomorrow, twice a week for eight weeks. He's seven months and 70 pounds, and can hit 32 MPH. Those of you who are physics majors, figure out that impact. He has to have with him his
I Don’t Like What You Wrote. Funny, I Don’t Remember Asking You.
If you want to write easily and rapidly, write for yourself. Stop worrying about what other people will think, or whether you’ll be critiqued. Get your fragile ego out of the way—lock it in a closet. No one is erecting statues
Why Are You So Angry
There are a lot of inordinately angry people out there. Instead of disagreeing with you, they scream at you. Instead of merely unsubscribing to a newsletter, they launch an epithet. Their anger is disproportionate to the grievance they feel they've