Let Me Give You An Example
If a picture is worth a thousand words, an example is worth a thousand pictures. Use social proof wherever and whenever you can to quickly gain acceptance of your points and greatly reduce your own labor. Is it easier to show someone
Breaking Out into Mental Health
The chances are extremely hight that, if you are guilty and non-resilient about the past, you're going to dread the future. That makes the present pretty unbearable. Break out of that rut.
In Case You Want to Rely on ChatGPT Extensively
The first paragraph is the classic Steinbeck novel, The Grapes of Wrath, depicting how the earth had become useless for farmers. This was "the dust bowl." When I asked ChatGPT to improve it, the result was a reversal in the meaning,
It’s Not Your Fault, and Don’t Allow Anyone to Tell You It is
Low self-esteem can be so chronic that people suffering from it actually extend it to others. This is called "projection." For example, if you relate a problem with service or products or any experience, no matter how egregiously someone else's
If people are overwhelmingly supportive and positive about something you're doing or providing, ignore the oddball, one-off feedback. This is the person who may just not be able to grok what you're intending, or who is trying to gain visibility
Respect vs. Affection
Whether to go forward with a new initiative is ultimately, a leader's decision. But if that's turned into a consensus decision relying on subordinates to "buy in" to the decision, very little will get done. Weak leaders want to be
An Ongoing Autobiography
What is your default introspection? Do you "automatically" review defeats, regrets, setbacks? Or do you consider victories, learning from defeats, help you've provided, generosity you've extended? The way we talk to ourselves about the past informs our current and future behaviors.
If You Want Love, Get A Dog. I Have Two.
I write and record for myself. I'm anticipating that some others will find help and even enlightenment in what I have to say. But I don't write and record for others. I'm not interested in numbers of followers or friends
Who’s Responsible?
The primary trait in personal growth is accountability. There are adults still blaming their parents, employees blaming the boss, pseudo-Marxists blaming capitalism, frustrated talents blaming the "in crowd." There are bad breaks, luck, and accidents. But Branch Rickey, the general manager of
Perspective Happiness
British Air put bright, yellow stickers on our luggage indicating "first class." And at Heathrow, those stickers were still affixed—as our bags came out dead last! But I realized that was better than their not arriving at all. So, when threatened