You Don’t Accept Checks? How Quaint!
"Absolutism" undermines innovation. Even with the dominance of planes for long distance travel, we still have trains. FM radio didn't make AM extinct, but merely moved it toward talk shows instead of music for the most part. People still watch
Priorities in Government Are Different Somehow
Joe Biden is visiting here (Rhode Island) today in Air Force One to spend a brief amount of time and make a speech at a wind farm energy operation. He's be here a few hours and fly back to DC.
The Recession from the Twilight Zone
I guess I'm not smart enough to tell you if we're headed into a recession, or in a recession, or leaving a recession. What I do know is that it is/will be/was nothing like what occurred about 13 years ago.
Being Crazy and Dangerous Is Not A Constitutionally Protected Right
There are killings occurring all over the world, the most recent shocker a 3-D printed gun used to assassinate the former Prime Minister of Japan. There are too many guns around. But there are also too many lunatics around.
On Virtue Signalling
I know this is somewhat perverse, but whenever I receive an email from someone who insists on putting "preferred pronouns" after their name (Alice Jones [her, she]) in my reply I write: Alan Weiss (The Prince/Your Eminence). Do people expect that
A Lack of Education
The Providence school system has had a history of blistering, scathing, independent reviews on its poor performance. This goes back years and through several mayoral administrations. Economically disadvantaged (we used to say "poor") people suffer the most because they can't
Prayers Aren’t Good Enough?
We have reached the point where people who are legitimately outraged at school shootings, the war crimes in Ukraine, and other calamities are now judgmental about others' chosen means of support or sympathy. Apparently, for many, saying a prayer is
We All Need to Take Responsibility
A moment of prayer, reflection, and introspection today over the tragedy and horror in that Texas community.
The Price Is Not Right
Yesterday, I purchased two, 40-pound buckets of chlorine to help open our pool. The chemical is in short supply because a major plant burned down a year ago and no one, apparently, has figured out a way to replace the
But Enough About Me, What Do YOU Think About Me?
I'm getting daily calls from candidates for governor of Rhode Island, asking for donations, and there are quite a few of them. Every one of them makes a "pitch" and they all sound alike. But I stop them and tell