School Daze
Yesterday morning I'm driving home from working out and encounter a school bus coming toward me on its usual rounds. l dutifully stop across from it as its red lights flash and the onboard monitor walks out. She is, this
November Elections
My observation is this: The opposing party almost always does better in the off-year elections in the US. If the Democrats cannot take back the House of Representatives in November, it will be a larger defeat than their loss in
The Finger Pointers
I mostly read Facebook to remind me how fortunate I am. I don't believe in conspiracies, I don't hate people who disagree with me, I'm not hawking some miracle product, I don't believe big businesses are evil, and I'm not
Would You Please Stop Shouting So That You Can Hear Me Shouting?
Every political comment and response I read on social media are among people who have no intention of changing their minds.They simply shout their positions at each other. What is the point of that? I've never seen a chess match
The Weight of Political Correctness
This is from reader Doug MacKenzie and demonstrates the bizarre edge we teeter on with people who believe they're on some higher moral plane: "Alan—hope you are enjoying summer. I thought you might enjoy this vignette about how pc has turned
Be Careful Out There
When I began my first job out of college at Prudential Insurance, my boss ran a 400-person division, where I would be a supervisor. He took me aside to look at all 400 and he said, "Kid, X percent of
The Mystery of Selection
If surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, and synchronized swimming are Olympic sports, why isn't sky diving, or sand castle building, or mountain climbing? I'm just saying
Reporting the Facts
The New York Daily News screamed that the horrible attack at the Annapolis Star was caused by right-wing extremism against the media. Sean Hannity, responding to the event, who is a conservative commentator, said that he predicted liberal Congressional Representative Maxine Waters
Going From Where to Where
There seems to be a groundswell of interest in these services that tell you your lineage. You may find potential relatives or correct your assumptions about where you're from. Instead of being Serbian, which you were told by your family,
School Daze
I've had the opportunity to be in a top private school and a top public school in the past few months. Here's what I've found: • Huge attention paid to rest room labels and inclusion. My favorite was "gender neutral faculty"