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How to Make Two Million Bucks

How to Make Two Million Bucks

If you see one true buyer a week (50 annually), and convert half of them (25) to clients, and your average project fee is $50,000, that's an annual income of $1.25 million. And if you are successful doing that the next year, but also expand the original 25 with another $20,000 in business, that's $1.75 million ($1.25 million plus $500,000). And if you reach back to 25 older clients and do just $10,000 ($250,000), that's a two million dollar year.

Adjust those numbers per your average project and average repeat/referral business, which all should be higher than the example. But that's how “easy” it is, if you apply yourself to finding real buyers and not spending time on computer backups, social media, and meeting gatekeepers.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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