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If You Want To Make It As A Consultant

If You Want To Make It As A Consultant

If you want to make it as a consultant:

• Develop listening skills, which means you need to speak far less. Counter-intuitively, stop telling people about yourself and start asking others about themselves.

• Develop questioning skills. Learn to direct a conversation by asking binary questions (yes or no, this way or that way, it has or it hasn't) and to open up conversations by asking reflective questions (why do you belief this to be true, what will be the impact on your company).

• Understand your value, be able to articulate it readily in terms of improving others' results, and be motivated to find people who can pay you to procure it.

• Believe you are, and act like you are, a peer of the buyer, not a vender.

• Refuse to spend any but the minimum time with non-buyers, who will otherwise waste your time. (Ironically, the rudest people and those who don't return calls quickly are low level people, not executives.)

• Accept advice only from those whom you ask, and ask only those who have consistently performed at the level at which you wish to perform. Don't listen to “professional advice givers,” omnipresent “coaches,” and unsolicited feedback (which is always for the sender).

• Always provide options, moving the decision from “Should I?” to “HOW should I?” whether for the next appointment or alternatives in the proposal.

• Always seek to minimize your labor intensity. If you're charging by the hour or time unit, you're an amateur. Charge for your value and contribution to outcomes, maximizing those while minimizing your physical labor.

• Seek referrals wherever and whenever you can, they are the coinage of the realm.

• Realize that real wealth is discretionary time. Maximize yours. Don't try to earn so much money that you erode your wealth.

• TIAABB: There is always a bigger boat. Don't measure yourself by others or externally. Get comfortable in your own skin.

© Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 5

  • Patricia

    August 16, 2012

    This is GOLDEN. Simple but not easy to put into practice. Thank you for putting together this BLUEPRINT.

  • Kaelyn

    August 18, 2012

    Hello Alan,
    I am happy of your suggestion and I would like to be Consultant. It is interesting for me your website. What should I do?
    with greetings

    • Alan Weiss

      August 20, 2012

      Thank you, Patricia.

      Kaelyn, start readying: Million Dollar Consulting, Getting Started in Consulting. See if you can join a firm at a low level to learn the skills.

  • Mike Pedersen

    October 2, 2012


    In reading your books, you mention “being the brand” so the company says…”I want Alan Weiss”.

    I have a business blog (my name) that is positioning me as the consultant. Do I need to have a separate website with all the services I offer, or can I just work off my personal blog (business site)?

    I’d appreciate your opinion sir.


    • Alan Weiss

      October 2, 2012

      Your web site is your credibility statement for people who have heard of you and want to investigate a bit more. Your blog is your opportunity to demonstrate thought leadership and be provocative. Hence, two separate needs, two separate sites.

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