Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/18/2021
I’m tired of talking about politics, let me talk about health. It’s wonderful that the vaccines are here, apparently highly efficacious, and are being distributed nationally (and internationally). Of…
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/10/2023
Someone in my community is Estonian, and he serves in the equivalent of the reserves or National Guard. He told me once that he couldn’t schedule a certain day for our…
Guest Column: Don’t Let Your Business Be Held Hostage by Fear
Don’t Let Your Business Be Held Hostage by Fear By Chip Massey Former FBI Hostage Negotiator As an FBI hostage negotiator and special agent, one of the things…
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/20/2020
Around 11 am yesterday, I decided to drive over to my train layout and have some fun before the playoff games. Maria asked me to take some stuff over…
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/06/2019
I’ve been attending the theater since I was 17 and received a free ticket from a teacher who believed I needed some culture! I’ve always thought the theater had…
Avian Lessons
(NOTE: REPRINTED FROM MY COLUMN IN RainToday, [email protected]) I’ve been using the new Providence, RI train station for 20 years (it’s not that new). It’s a typical six-track station, with…
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/2/2022
People ask me all the time how I decide where to place my ideas. I have a weekly podcast, a daily “Minute with Alan” video, a monthly video, four…