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When Every Day Is Casual Friday

When Every Day Is Casual Friday

I'm running my Building Dynamic Communities Workshop over two mornings instead of “live,” using Zoom. This is the fifth time I'm presenting and facilitating a virtual workshop. I find myself preparing by shaving and showering, wearing good clothes, even putting on some cologne, which would be my usual habit before live offerings. I'm much better having done it. I feel better about myself.

Maybe that's a character flaw. Or, maybe when we have respect for ourselves others respect us more.

Have you watched these people on Linkedin doing videos in tee-shirts, with hair in their eyes, with all sorts of crap in the background of the shot? They're not exactly the people I want giving me financial advice, or providing leadership skills, or proclaiming how to take control of your life.

If you don't judge a book by its cover, why do my publishers take up so much of their time and mine to design the cover?

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Alan

    May 13, 2020

    I’ve worked out of my home since my late 20’s. Each day, I “show up for work”. I’m up by 5:30, exercise, shower, shave, put on nice clothing, read from 7am to 9, and then start my income producing activities. Once restaurants open normally, I also schedule a lunch meeting with a prospective client or current one (never eat lunch alone). After a while of doing this, its so second nature, I don’t think about it. I also travel at least 10 days per month. Most people have not developed good remote working habits. I work remotely for 2 main reasons, mobility and time. I’m building a client base in several countries and will eventually like to set up a second home in another part of the world I enjoy. Morning commutes are a waste of time in my opinion when that time can be used reading, learning, planning, etc. “Casual Friday” never sat well with me. I believe dressing sharp makes one think sharp. When I was a little kid, I had an obsession with bow ties. I wore one with every outfit. I suppose it is a character flaw, a positive one that is.

  • Alan Weiss

    May 14, 2020

    I’m not so sure about the bow ties!

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