Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/26/2022
With apologies to Brown University which talks solely of the “holiday season” and “holiday trees” I’m going to utter the frightening word: Christmas. This is the most celebratory of the Christian holidays (Easter, of course, is the most important) and our
Respect vs. Affection
Whether to go forward with a new initiative is ultimately, a leader's decision. But if that's turned into a consensus decision relying on subordinates to "buy in" to the decision, very little will get done. Weak leaders want to be
Who’s That Plotting Against Me?
In the event that I spent my days trying to uncover conspiracies that were directed against me, like all those people on Facebook, explaining why I’m not more successful and happier, I’d choose: Billing operations (most notably AT&T) which don’t
A Minute with Alan™ — Christmas
December 23rd, 2022 You don’t have to be religious to give a gift.
You’re Anti-Capitalist on Your iPad in Your Four-Bedroom Home?
Suddenly, all kinds of crazies are appearing on my Facebook page. I say "crazies" because they are virulently anti-capitalist and fervently pro-socialism. This is why immigrants to the US in surveys are so much more positive about the country than
A Minute with Alan™ — Standards
December 22nd, 2022 We need to put a stop to this.
The Third Side
There are three sides (at least) to every story or issue. There's one person's or group's position, and an "opposing" person's or group's position, and then there's the objective truth. Don't take sides, seek the truth. That's why we're valuable as
A Minute with Alan™ — Indigenous People
December 21st, 2022 We’re all from somewhere else.