Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/09/2024
Last week, our white German Shepherd, Royce, turned two, which is officially the end of puppyhood. As we’ve done with all our dogs on a significant birthday, my wife drove to get him an ice cream sundae, since all dogs
I don't pay attention to software usages I can't put to good use, but today I noticed a little gear-like thing in this blog software with "AI" next to it. Apparently, if I check this, my post will be cleansed
Adding Some Facts
Does anyone realize that the minimum wage laws in the US were created to provide people with some income while they sought better work, or education, or brief departures from the normal work force? They were never intended to provide
A Minute with Alan® — Speed
September 6th, 2024 You need to be fast.
I Don’t Talk to People in Elevators
Every time I hear about an "elevator pitch" I think of pitching someone out of an elevator. This is a relationship business, not a con game. Sales are not adversarial, with someone "winning" and someone "losing." They should be "win/win."
A Minute with Alan® — Not All Jobs Help
September 5th, 2024 Responsibility is important.
True Issues
We all know there are serious emotional and psychological problems among some people, and we all know (I hope) that there are some work environments that range from unpleasant to horrible. However, I'd also point out that these two phrases are
A Minute with Alan® — Trees
September 4th, 2024 What kind of clients do you have?
And How Do You Really Feel?
A "mental health issue" is NOT when someone is momentarily confused, or doesn't perform well, or is uncomfortable in certain surroundings. A mental health issue IS when someone on social media uses a lengthy string of obscenity because someone disagrees