Gloomy Gus
My late handyman—he was older than I—frequented the same coffee shop that I take the dogs to in the morning. The owner runs a nice place, but he's always complaining. My handyman gave him the sobriquet, "Gloomy Gus." If it's raining
The Dog Star: All the News That’s Fit to Sniff
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) The dogs scour the yard when I take them out in
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/17/16
If not now, when? That's the question I usually ask the people I coach who have all sorts of reasons why they can't do something. I've asked corporate clients the same question. It became apparent that most people could readily explain why
Are You the Favorite in Your Own Mind?!
Too many people walk into a prospect meeting ready to compromise and even concede. YOU are your own advocate. Walk in with the belief and confidence that the buyer needs your value and operate from that baseline. A good defense is NOT
Adventures of A Lefty
I've had an operation to correct a crooked ring finger on my right hand, which put the hand in a splint from Wednesday until this coming Monday, So this righty has become a lefty, like my hero, Sandy Koufax. My observations: •
First Things First
First thing in the morning I take the dogs into the yard before heading for the garage and a coffee and biscuit run. But they don't relieve themselves right away, despite being inside for the prior seven hours or so. Bentley
Speaking of Business
I'd suggest you consider a speech—whether paid or pro bono—a marketing opportunity. You have the forum to meet others before and after, perhaps interview key people in preparation, provide handouts and contacts, and most of all, show how expert you are on
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/10/16
My Thought Leadership Conference had begun with a reception the first evening, and on the first day, at noon, the Four Seasons in Palm Beach informed me that we would all have to evacuate because of the looming hurricane. The
Humility from A Different View
Here's the odd thing about craving "humility": If you think you don't have to blow your own horn, and people will simply magically hear about you and come to you, isn't that the height of arrogance?