We Need More Commitment to the Strategy Here
I guess this open door across from my suite needs to remain locked most of the time, or locked but open, or maybe the sign isn't sufficiently clear, or perhaps there are no metrics in place, or management isn't monitoring
Are “Ethics Experts” Unethical?
The New York Times has a variety of "experts" providing ethics and etiquette help, all of which seems to be written by an infinite number of monkeys randomly hitting keyboards. For example, Randy Cohen was the Sunday magazine ethics columnist for
You Don’t Need An Olympic Effort
These athletes at the Olympics are dealing with treacherous hills, dangerous runs, tough competitors, psychological pressure, and so on. In a split second they can forfeit years of tough training and a lifetime of aspirations. When you deal with a buyer,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/10/14
February 10, 2014—Issue #229 This week's focus point: When I first flew on airplanes, men wore suits and women wore dresses. Pan Am flight attendants (stewardesses) could have stepped out of a high-fashion magazine. Today, I see people in high end
Hey Old Pal, Can You Spare A Hundred Thou?
A large percentage of people on social media platforms seem to feel they have become instant buddies and peers. (It's interesting that Facebook has "friends" but Twitter has "followers.") Among recent requests to me from total strangers: • Endorse them for
You Can’t Even Fool Some of the People Some of the Time
Of all the useless items I receive, the "newsletter" from the political candidate running for reelection which arrives a week before the vote takes first place for transparent pandering. Why didn't I receive some update over the past year or two
We are surrounded by polarization. Life has become a huge "on/off" switch. You like it or you don't. You're with us or against us. It's my way or the highway. While I think Obama has been a huge failure—to be polite:
The High Horse
This phrase originated with the horses known as "chargers" favored by knights for their size and imposing nature. Powerful people rode "high horses" (destrier in French) and their statues depicted rider and horse larger than life. Once out of style, when
Speaking Opportunity
This organization may be ideal for those of you specializing in smaller closely held businesses. They can pay about $12,000, including travel expenses. Please do NOT contact me, but the person below: 1. Our Contact Info - (we are handling booking speakers