Alan’s Thought For Today
The big advantage of truth over lies is that you don't have to remember as much. -- Alan Weiss
WOLFoundation Competition for 2013
I'm on the board of the WOLFoundation, which sponsors an environmental essay contest every year. The information is on the link below. Please do NOT write to me:
When A Consultant Is Impressive
When A Consultant Is Impressive: • Not every question is answered with an attempt at profound wisdom, but rather with, "I don't know," or "What makes you ask that?" or "I'm reminded of a client engagement…." • There is a conversation about
Review: Les Miserables Is Sometimes Miserable
I walked out of the theater after seeing Les Mis last night in tears—because I thought it had ended three times, but then they just kept on singing and singing…. We saw the musical on Broadway with the original cast. It
Spreecast on Million Dollar Web Presence
A Spreecast conducted by Mitch Jackson and me on Million Dollar Web Presence. I don't know what a Spreecast is, but I was apparently in one!
The Adventures of Koufax and Buddy Beagle
Note to our readers: We're changing art work in a couple of months, here's a preview of the boys through a different lens.
Eight “Don’ts” to Leverage Social Networks
Eight "Don’ts" to Leverage Social Networks and Elevate Customer Service Lisa Anderson is a member of the Private Roster Mentor Program. I’ve yet to meet a business executive or owner that didn’t want to improve customer service and operational performance – and preferably
Jeff Cobb Interviews Alan Weiss
Jeff Cobb is a really fine interviewer and you'll find an in-depth interview that uses text, audio, and video here: We talk about how to form learning communities, how to maximize success as an independent, and a lot more! And