Olympic Business
What strikes me about the Olympics is how much the mind plays a role in the physical performance. The start one gets in a sprint, the ability to hit a target, the need to avoid a foul at a critical
Nantucket 2012—1
We're sailing on the mighty ferry Eagle out of Hyannis for the 2-hour trip to Nantucket, our 17th year, but the first year we're going for two weeks and not staying at the Wauwinet. We've taken a house on the
The Dictators
Many organizations have leaders who consider themselves the fount of all knowledge and wisdom. Sometimes they founded the place, and believe because they know how to create fluid injection machines they also know the inner workings of human motivation. Some are
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 7/30/12
July 30, 2012—Issue #149 This week's focus point: In the Olympics, "hype" doesn't win medals, only performance does. And the performance has to be at exactly the right time and place. There is only one
Olympic Trials
• Ryan Seacrest is beyond being a fifth wheel at the Olympics. He's in the pool and out of his depth, instead of interviewing vacant rock stars he's talking to people who train diligently with great discipline. He's less important
Alan’s Thought For Today
The Olympics illustrate that hype doesn't win medals, only performance does, on the track, on the mat, in the pool, on the field. Behavior trumps sound bites. © Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.
Why Self-Employed Consultants Fail
There IS Such A Thing As A Dumb Question
A former buyer in San Francisco is visiting New York and suggested we have lunch to talk about possible future business. I live an hour outside of New York. Should I go? The buyer has said that he'd like