Some Thoughts On Qualifying Leads
Some Thoughts On Qualifying Leads Is this an organization with which I'd like to do business? Do I believe in their products and services? Are they successful? Are they respected? Can I learn while working with them? Is my value appropriate?
Alan’s Thought For Today
Forgiving people who hurt you is commendable. Allowing them to continue to hurt you is unforgivable.
Jersey Shore V
I have two gull friends who I see every morning. One is huge, so I call him Iver (some of you will understand that), and the other follows him, so that one I call Ible (some of you
Alan’s Thought For Today
Whenever someone visits you or asks for advice, your burdens should become lighter, not heavier. Don't allow others' baggage to accumulate on your desk. Insist they take some of your baggage! Ultimately, your "desk" should be clear at all times,
Jersey Shore IV
The weather continues to be wonderful, and the ocean water warm. The Monday-through-Friday crowd is a lot smaller. The beach is sparsely populated and boardwalk rides are without lines. In what's become my arcade hangout, I won the girls over 7,000
Jersey Shore III
Point Pleasant is a REAL family town. It's common to see three generations staying in the houses and walking the boardwalk. (I'm guessing it's the eldest generation that is usually the owner or renter of the house!) It's not the
Alan’s Thought For Today
#1. Could the world continue with art but no critics? Could the world continue with critics but no art? Never be unduly influenced by unsolicited feedback, which is always for the benefit of the sender, not the recipient. Listen to those you trust
Confidence: The honest-to-goodness belief you can help other people. Arrogance: The honest-to-goodness belief you have nothing left to learn yourself. Smugness: Arrogance without the talent. © Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.
You Can’t Make This Up
• Some guy joins me on Linkedin with this opening: "I've never heard of you, but someone introduced me to your work, and your thinking is very similar to mine." Here's a guy who knows how to ingratiate himself! But,