Preparing for 2012
What do we know about the coming year? I don’t think it’s too much of a prognosticating leap to suggest: • Technology omnipresence and extraordinary growth globally, which will permeate every part of our marketing, delivery, and follow-up. • Entrepreneurial gestalt: A
Hugh Jackman
Friday was about visiting my mother in Jersey, then shopping at Bergdorf's. My wife and I had a couple of hot dogs from a vendor, then split up and met for dinner at Bobby Van's (which is fabulous, on 45th),
Art of the Referral
The Art of the Referral Workshop attendees in Newport: We will have a complete video for our home study page available in the next two weeks or so.
The Bridesmaids: Nothing Funny About It
My wife and I decided to watch a movie in the hotel last night, something we haven’t done in ages. But room service and a film looked good after a hectic day in New York. Most of the movies we
Teflon for Brains
How is it that someone who knows that he or she will be scrutinized only slightly more than animalcules on a petrie dish still believes that past assignations and improprieties will never be exposed? Herman Cain. Jerry Sandusky. Bernie Fine.
Don’t Expose Me
Here's a request placed on the web recently, which is all too common: "I am looking for a speaker to present an hour-long audio conference on: 'No Pay Raise for You this Year! How to Handle This Conversation with Your Employees.'
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/28/11
November 28, 2011—Issue #114 This week’s focus point: I'm just back from Australia, and heading to Canada to make a speech. Earlier this year I was in Germany
Leaving Canada
After delivering my keynote and a special session for an elite group of Canadian speakers last night, I caught a limo from the hotel this morning after a 5:30 am fire alarm trumped my later wake-up call. The limo arrived
Why Professional Associations Fail
I'm in Toronto keynoting for the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) tonight. In two weeks I'll be in Key Biscayne helping to facilitate an "elite" speakers workshop for the National Speakers Association (NSA). I've made well over 60 appearances