A Gator In My Pool?
Is that a reptile in the bottom of our pool? Nope, just a pool guy in scuba gear fixing the main drain.
I’m Anxious Not To Be Eager
I’ve been observing eagerness. You know, the people who put the tops down on their convertibles when it’s 54 degrees. I’ve driven convertibles since 1992, and I can authoritatively state that it’s uncomfortable at less than, say, 65 degrees with
Collegial vs. Adversarial
I find that the default position for far too many professional services providers is adversarial. That is, someone has to lose for someone else to win. I recall one of the "sales gurus" commenting from the stage, "In every sales
Your Customers Are Cynics
I'm pleased to present a guest column by Steve Shapiro: Your Customers Are Cynics by Stephen Shapiro A large portion of my business is public speaking. And I know many others who make their living the same way. But to be perfectly frank,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/16/11
May 16, 2011—Issue #87 This week’s focus point: We broke out of the clouds over O'Hare on the way home from Vegas and the United 757 had an odd angle, yawing right. We were already a quarter of
Six Steps to Success
If you’re having difficulties in your consulting business, or want to grow considerably, there are six areas to examine that can immediately focus you IF you’re honest about the responses. Defining yourself: Can you quickly, clearly, and articulately explain how others
Let Me Fit You Into Our Grid (Dumb-Ass Stupid Management)
Here's a request from a reporter that appeared today in my inbox: "I am seeking HR professionals at organizations who are using the '9-box grid' method to assess employee potential and manage their development. The article will cover what the tool
Link to Online Buying Study
Here is the link for the report I mentioned earlier today on the minimal influence of social media on online holiday purchasing: http://ow.ly/4OWUY #GSIchat