Ellis Island
The Mentor Hall of Fame group took a private guided tour of Ellis Island.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/07/11
March 7, 2011—Issue #77 This week’s focus point: On a recent tour we learned that of 12 million immigrants to the U.S. coming through Ellis Island in New York, only about 2 percent were denied entry. That's
Alan’s Birthday Bash
Some early photos from the superb photographer Ryan Trupp. You can see more on his blog (http://blog.ryantrupp-photography.com/2011/03/alans-65th-birthday/) and I'll be posting still more in the weeks ahead.
Marketing Best Practices from Hall of Fame
Here are the marketing best practices being used by members of the Private Roster Mentor Program Hall of Fame, who met for the last three days in New York City: • Repurpose existing intellectual property (IP) in multiple ways on diversified media. • Obtain
Contrarian Wisdom
I'm conducting my Mentor Hall of Fame meeting in New York just prior to my birthday party. Andrew Sobel, who has been in my community for quite a while, came up with an interesting phrase, "contrarian wisdom." I told him
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/28/11
February 28, 2011—Issue #76 This week’s focus point: General Motors may soon regain the title of the world's largest auto company. Who would have thought that two years ago? Very few clients are so hopelessly lost or
The Consulting Bible: An Excerpt
Here is the opening of my new book, available in about a month from John Wiley & Sons, The Consulting Bible. It will be available for order on my site in about a week. Section I: Genesis Consulting as a