Modernizing the Buggy Whip
Mentor Program member David Gammel sent me a fascinating url—it is a "modern" technique to calculate hourly fees (!! I'm now off to create an electric buggy whip, larger vacuum tube, and stronger struts for biplanes.
The Globalization Map
Everyone talks about "going global" which is easier said than done. But it's also done a lot by independent consultants. Here are a dozen overlapping issues—many of which you may already do quite well—that will get you on a jet
The Accelerant Curve (Episode 47) Click Here for entire series table of contents © Alan Weiss 2010. All rights reserved.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 7/26/10
July 26, 2010—Issue #45 This week’s focus point: Consulting is art and science. There are things we know which we can influence. There are things we know which we can't influence. There are things we don't know that we can find
Delta Redeems Itself
After a long delay, and lambasting Delta several posts ago and on Twitter, they have responded quite well. Mr. Anderson, referred to below, is the CEO. Credit where credit is due: Dear Dr. Weiss: RE: Case Number XXXXXXX Thank you for alerting Richard
Jersey Shore Finale
Made it home all the way from Cape May in about 5:40. Major accidents closed the southbound Merritt Parkway in Connecticut (we were going north) but then slowed everything else. After two detours with our GPS, we finally got by
Jersey Shore VI
We went to The Pier Restaurant last night and had a wonderful meal. My daughter prefers white wine, so we had a Far Niente '05 Chardonnay. Very nice and kept on ice, something rare these days. When we left, at
On Leading
Leadership is a noun. Leading is a verb. I’ve been observing, coaching, and consulting with leaders since 1972. This has occurred in large firms and small, public and private, educational institutions, charities, the military, non-profits, arts groups, and the clergy,