Metric This
I was talking to someone the other day who actually told me his metric for success was that his clients were calling him for help with the processes he implements in their organizations. That is the WRONG metric! Imagine if I
The Dog Star
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) The pool is open for the season! Koufax enjoys resting amidst
Holiday Gift
This link was forwarded by one of my Mentor Program members, David Lahey, who runs a business in excess of $2 million. While it's a bit "Successories" in part, it does prove the point that I've long made in my
Memorial Day
In May of 1868, three years after the conclusion of the American Civil War, General John Logan, commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, asked that we "remember those lost
Million Dollar Club and Mentor Hall of Fame Meeting
We had a combined meeting of the Million Dollar Club and Mentor Hall of Fame in New York on 4/1/09 - 4/3/09 and here you see: The group Sitting (Laurel Barr, Libby Wagner, Molly Smith, Suzanne Bates) Standing (Phil Symchych, Mark Smith, Maria
Babysitting in New York
We’re spending the weekend in my daughter’s condo watching the granddaughters and cat while she and her husband are in Florida at a wedding. It’s been glorious thus far, temperature in the 70s. I was able to get my hair cut
The Real Risk of Risks
For consultants and their clients, it’s helpful to try to get a grip on risk, since the “fear of fear” is driving people into bunkers these days. (Did YOU know that the stock market is up about 30% since its
The Perceptual Recession
I've been telling consultants that this is largely a "perceptual recession," and that stress is resulting from uncertainty, lack of trust in traditional people and institutions, and a feeling of powerlessness. I commend you to Daniel Gilbert's piece today in