According to statistics I've read on the web, about 40% of strikes are failures, 50% effective in improving wages, and 10% "neutral." Strike funds from the union can compensate for about 40% of lost pay, but that still leaves quite
A Minute with Alan® — Check-In
September 20th, 2023 Sometimes you have to fight.
As Obvious As A Ham Sandwich
People are citing surveys on social media that report that a major factor in motivation and retention of talent is to recognize the value and accomplishments of people's contributions. You needed a survey to tell you that? You thought it was
You’re There to Help, Not to Enforce Silly Rules
It's amazing how many service employees respond to a request with, "I'm sorry, that's not our policy or procedure," instead of, "We don't normally do that, let's discuss how to best meet your needs." I had the problem this morning,
A Minute with Alan® — Wowsers
September 19th, 2023 These are wowsers.
A Minute with Alan® — Vancouver Walking
September 18th, 2023 Vancouver is a gorgeous city.
It Wasn’t Always This Way?
I'm flying right now at 32,376 feet. I know this because the display in front of me on Jet Blue Mint tells me that, and I'm writing it here because the wifi is free. This has been a uniquely Jet
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/18/2023
Well, there has been a lot of talk about “age” recently, right? (And I wrote the book, Threescore and More which discusses the need to preserve and apply the wisdom and maturity of people whom we just might need the most in
Confirmation Blindness
Confirmation bias is quite a popular term these days, indicating behaviors which focus on seeking and accepting only that information (or opinion) which supports your own. It is the refusal to take seriously any facts which might threaten your own
I’m Working Alone Up Here
Have you encountered the people who have to make additional comments when you're doing a workshop? They have to add their experiences, or point out resources they think everyone else should know about (no matter how irrelevant)? I call this