A Minute with Alan™ — Ageism
October 6th, 2022 Just because you forget something doesn't mean you are senile. https://youtu.be/quaFrWGUzGA
A Minute with Alan™ — Speaker Phones
October 5th, 2022 I called over the manager and said, “go over and tell those two guys to shut that down.” He said, “Thank you, I'm not allowed to do it unless someone complains.” I replied, “Well, I'm complaining.” https://youtu.be/mMbMO7QW0gQ
The Global Community
I was in Berlin with a long-time German client who speaks perfect English. At dinner, I asked him to tell the waiter I'd have the filet. He said to the waiter, in English, "He'll have the filet." "I could have done that," I
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 10/05/2022
Condonation: The acceptance of morally wrong behavior. "The condonation of cheating at the military academy was unprecedented."
If It’s LA, They’re Really Screenwriters
When I'm sitting with friends I never ask them to bring me a meal. Why do servers in restaurants insist on trying to be my friend?
A Minute with Alan™ — DASM in Airlines
October 4th, 2022 The airline industry as a whole seems to have something in their water that makes them lousy leaders. https://youtu.be/eJjKzR1pSU0
A Minute with Alan™ — Cartier
October 3rd, 2022 I like to have a nice pen to use at my desk. https://youtu.be/cS6SG8k4Av0
Really? A Phone Call Instead of A Meeting?
Do you notice we're all talking about "remote" business as if it's something new, engendered by pandemic restrictions? I've been coaching, advising, and hosting my Forums for decades, all remotely. When there were "teleconferences" they were remote! It's like someone
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/03/2022
Every poll I’ve seen, including those taken by various churches, show that church membership, as reflected by people identifying with or not identifying with a particular religion, has fallen off sharply in the developed, western countries. In the US, regular churchgoers