Supply Chain Shortage Real Causes
Around this time of year, we always have a large dish of jelly beans over the Easter Holidays on a table between the kitchen and the family room. It's our habit to take some traveling through the area. I don't
Episode 235 – Altered States
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 235 - Altered States Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 235 - Altered States
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 04/13/2022
Emollient: A medicine with a soothing effect. "Ice cream is a well-respected emollient for a sore throat.”
Come On, Man: The Wrist Slap
The Oscar people decided that Will Smith, as a punishment for slapping Chris Rock on stage, can't attend an Oscar ceremony for the next ten years. They had asked him to leave the last one after his assault, but he
Of Ritual and Rodents
Continuing to search for staff (help, employees) without changing your unsuccessful offer is ridiculous. If you want to attract people, the working conditions, flexibility, lattitude of action, pay, benefits, travel, fringe benefits, contact with others, customer interface, and so forth must
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/11/2022
Simply stated, cognitive dissonance is the discomfort in the perception of contradictory information, especially about statements in conflict with each other or with observed behavior. Thus, the leader says, “Customers are our most important asset,” but refuses to speak to any
All the News That (We See) Fit to Print
Reading the Sunday New York Times was always a ritual for me, beginning in my 20s. I'd typically spend about two hours combing through news, the arts, sports, book reviews, and so forth. It was liberal but fair. Today, nearly every story
Callings and Dreams
You know what the difference is between a "calling" and a "dream"? A calling is an emotional, passionate urge to commit yourself to something that you can immediately engage in, no matter how small or modest, part-time or full-time. A calling
Some Priestly Hypocrisy
I heard a priest the other evening at a Lenten "mission" where various aspects of the church's beliefs are explained. At one point he said that we all must work to improve the church, and that the priesthood was not