Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 11/24/2021
Word of the week™: Recursion
Why Should I Stop for A Red Light? Who Are You to Tell Me What to Do?
We tend to think that people who don't want to be vaccinated, or who don't honor lines and try to cut them, or who never signal to make a turn in their cars, don't like rules. That's not really true.
The 40 Myth
No, it's not about turning 40. (We "hit" 50 but "turn" 40 for some reason.) This is about the ridiculous belief that people won't be as productive remotely as they are in the office. NO ONE in my entire career has
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/22/2021
I watched a professional speaker once who would periodically take a shot of cough syrup and pop a pill. He apologized, but said this is what professionals do, they perform even when they’re not feeling 100%. Well, not quite. Professionals perform
But, Seriously
The toughest coaching jobs are with people who start sentences with "I can't
May I Ask You A Question?
How many of these sentences are you comfortable uttering and consistently saying to prospective buyers? • I can help you with this. • I'd like to provide you with a proposal outlining how we would work together. • Let me tell you how
Poll This
Every day there are scores (that I see, so perhaps thousands) of completely useless polls on LinkedIn. Example: Which of these is more important in a candidate for a job: • Honesty • Integrity • Authenticity • Good complexion I even saw one asking whether polls
If We’re So Busy, Why Aren’t We Profitable?
Within organizations and with entrepreneurs, I find a huge disproportion, in that 90% of the attention is often focused on the bottom 10% of the business. You're much better off simply eliminating that 10%. Customers aren't "pets," and certain functions
Episode 214 – Superficiality
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 214 - Superficiality. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth™ · Episode 214 - Superficiality