Do the Polar Bears Even Enjoy It?
I saw two people at a beach house at a resort here swimming in the ocean. It was November 1 in Rhode Island, air temperature around 63. Maybe they were from Norway, I don't know. But was that really "refreshing"? When
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 11/03/2021
Word of the week™: Panegyrist
Walter Cronkite, Where Are You?
The last vestiges of objective, impartial journalism were not to be seen as CNN and MSNBC seemed to be holding wakes as the Republican won in Virginia's gubernatorial election last night and New Jersey was leaning that way.
The Performance Dive
I commented on social media that Amazon drivers leaving cardboard box deliveries in the pouring rain were either lazy or stupid. There are people criticizing me for expecting any better and for "blaming" the drivers. They hold Amazon corporate responsible
An "avatar" is a personification. So a leader should be an avatar and personify and represent the values near and dear to the enterprise. Maybe I'm spoiled by excellent exotic car service, but my pickup is due for routine servicing. I
Bunker Mentalities
I read reviewers I tend to disagree with and others I tend to agree with. Therefore, if the former dislikes a book or play or movie which the latter likes, I know I'm on very strong ground to pursue it.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/01/2021
I remember being in a client meeting where a vice president raised an idea that had merit. But one of his peers, who was known to be highly aggressive and even radical, walked over to the trash can and pretended
DASM: The New Code for AA
American Airlines cancelled about 1,200 flights this weekend. They cited staffing and weather. Of course, all the other airlines are facing the same weather and have staffing challenges. But American, having taken money to provide a service, feels it's better
If You Had Two Years and Control of Your Life….
I've noticed that people I'm seeing again whom I haven't seen for about two years are quite familiar! It's as if I'd seen them last week. One reason is that most of us have kept in touch by Zoom, or
Accountability Starts at the Top
I have about a 50% hit rate when I write to CEOs about poor service or quality, in terms of their personal response. You can delegate tasks but not accountability. Top people who have "Teflon-like responses" to complaints create cultures