Second Chances
Nearly every morning this time of year I'm rescuing a frog or a mouse from the pool skimmers. I'm too late for some, but I save quite a few. I scoop them out and send them on their way into
The Great “Refusal to Work” Lie
This is from my colleague Roberta Matuson and it attacks what she calls the "lie" that people don't want to go back to work. It's complimentary and highly provocative: The Great “Refusal to Work” Lie Webinar-Tuesday, July 20th from 11:00 AM
Shooting Gallery
We're concerned about the tragedy in Florida where we're not sure yet how many people died in that building collapse. We should be equally concerned, if not more so, about the 150 people who were shot and killed of the three-day
DASN: Dumb Ass Stupid Management at UNO Pizzeria
We decided to stop for some casual food around 5 yesterday and pulled into UNO Pizzeria & Grill in Warwick, RI. We found three tables occupied among maybe 30 or more. The hostess was handling a take-out order. She didn't acknowledge
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/05/2021
On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. The Revolutionary War officially ended on September 2, 1883, after over eight years of fighting, with the Treaty of Paris. The last major battle was the American
The NO NORMAL™ Journal #1
The pandemic has enriched a huge swath of the population. People have been spending less and saving more. A "cleansing" has removed weak businesses enabling those run better to prosper still more. People are seeking new careers, more meaning in
Please Turn Right in 600 Feet
On two separate days I had an appointment at the same business about 45 minutes away. I took a different vehicle each time, to give each a good high-speed run. One GPS took me a different way from the other! Both
What Do You Think About Yourself?
Age is not a factor of how long you've inhabited the earth. Age is a factor of how you think about yourself. If you believe you should keep yourself in good physical condition, then you exercise and don't engage in unhealthy