Pulling Stakes
The Aztecs created the concept of putting a "stake in the ground," meaning a warrior's ankle was bound to a spot to defend, or die defending. Many of us have stakes in the ground about our beliefs, methodology, and approaches. The
Dumb Ass Stupid Management: Mercedes-Benz
I want to warn you about Mercedes-Benz financial services, especially their leasing operation. I've owned five or six Mercedes, but I'll never own another and I have none now. Their financial services people are inefficient to the point of reckless.
Come on, man: The Test
Resolutions are really stupid. Why confine change and improvement to one effort a year? And, of course, talk is cheap. Effective change is often sequential, not concurrent. It's tough to change several things at once that aren't interrelated. The key to
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/28/2020
In all my years of consulting with hundreds of global organizations and thousands of executives and entrepreneurs, I've never yet found one person who rebelled at the idea of creating a better future. Not one person has ever said, "Can
Go Out? Why Would I Want to Go Out?
Inevitably, people are adjusting to Covid and restrictions with such flexibility that you're going to see people complaining about more lifestyle changes as the pandemic abates. Nothing wrong with that. It's called resilience. And kids are the most resilient of all.
As you head into 2021, I'm hoping you see a bright future (I do). Remember, everyone likes a bright future, especially your prospects, who are emotionally connected to anything providing better times quickly. It's not the future that frightens them. It's
Oh, Oh, Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho
Well, it's been a hell of a year and it's hard to believe that Santa didn't cancel his trip, what with all the restrictions, protests, natural disasters, and turmoil. Some people actually want to tear down statues of Abraham Lincoln