I have a real problem. When we were in Charleston a couple of years ago, I purchased a Civil War chess set. Pieces in uniform, deep blue and light grey, with the respective presidents and first ladies as kings and
Oh, I Knew That….
I used to laboriously write down serial numbers using a flashlight, under my desk, for parts I needed to replace on certain equipment until I saw someone do this by simply taking a photo with their phone. It's amazing how stupid
Why Sportscasters Don’t Have to Be Experts: Jim Rome’s Empty Head
Jim Rome is a CBS sportscaster who leads the league in inaccuracies. Several years ago he made a big deal on TV about his prediction that the Patriots wouldn't even qualify for the playoffs. Of course, they won the Super
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
The two major theaters in this area have closed their doors until the 2021-2022 seasons. I can understand their decisions. I'm president of Festival Ballet Providence, and we've decided to try to dance if at all possible. Yesterday, we had a
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/19/2020
(FYI: My column last week on the historical record of Columbus drew a record number of responses in the history of Monday Morning Memo.) I coach people globally almost every day, as well as run virtual workshops via Zoom (though I
I've been called upon, as I'm sure many of you have, to mediate disagreements within client organizations. Sometimes people holding reasonable and logical opposing views can't sort things out themselves because of the passions involved, and often the organization's leadership
The Dog Star: Rain
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. —Astrological Definition) It was raining quite hard this morning when the dogs and I
Where Did You Hear That?
If you read something in the public domain, e.g., a newspaper or magazine, hard copy or electronic, you may use the facts therein. For example, you may use an article on Airbus's retiring its huge A380 to make a point
Quick Start Guide
When I purchased cars early in my life, there was an owner's manual you could sit down and read in half an hour. Today, they are tomes, with enough legal warnings and details to boggle the mind. It's impossible to