Helping Hands
When you're feeling a tad depressed about your circumstances and/or prospects, go help someone who's in a worse state than you are. You'll feel better, they'll be better, and you'll be rejuvenated. It's not because there's someone in "worse" shape
Avoiding Choking
A great many businesses today need a corporate "Heimlich maneuver." The have fear stuck in their throats. Grab them and squeeze hard so that they can breathe and grow again.
Are You New or Not?
One thing IS crystal clear at this point: Your clients are going to have to deal differently from the past with their customers and employees. For some this will be slight, for some major. You need to launch initiatives, new IP,
Episode 147: Memories
Violence is not protected by the constitution. Who will be left to protect you? Arson, looting, throwing projectiles, and property damage are not protected by the constitution. Peaceful protest certainly is.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 08/05/20
Today's word: pertinacious.
Tennis or Chess?
People will agree to purchase your services, to engage with you, as a result of an intellectual, rational conversation. But they won't necessarily agree to do it quickly. People will agree to engage you immediately if they feel an emotional need
My Experience Is Different From Yours
When people write you about something you've written or said and begin with, "You're wrong about
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/03/2020
Welcome to the "Cowboy Mentality." (Should that be "cowperson"?) There are people who feel that wearing a mask is an infringement on their liberties, and that the common weal be damned, it's all people for themselves. I'm interested that this is not
Marketing 101
Always find out exactly how a prospect heard about you. That's how you know what to invest in for the future.