Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 05/06/20
Today's word: tonitruous.
Success in the New World
Here are just two success tips from my upcoming workshop: How to Organize Your Time, Priorities, and Life in A New World. We're emerging. Are you? No prior strategy will be left intact for you or your clients and prospects.
The Dog Star: An Interview
An Interview with Bentley The scheduled interview by Entrepreneur Today with Alan Weiss was cancelled because he had a conflict, something about an emergency Macallan and cigar sampling. Filling in we have his companion animal, Bentley Supersports GTE of Crewe, his
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/04/2020
When I was in third grade, I majored in trying to be the teacher's pet. I was insufferable, but really quite adept at it. One day, a quite antiquated visiting English expert came to our class. She asked everyone to
Masking Motives
Now we have "mask etiquette" and "mask shaming." Of course we do. The reason is what I call "wowsing," which means there are people who implacably believe they are on a higher moral plain in all things ("wowsers"). I remember giddily one
Want to Buy A Used Crystal Ball?
I've been advocating for a long time shorter strategy formulation sessions, quicker implementation of the plans, and more frequent adjustments. Strategy is not holy writ, it's simply the best thinking at the moment. Well, we've seen how radically that moment can
The Hybrid Organization
There will inevitably be new, “hybrid” offices evolving. There will be (in US terms) W2 (full time) employees, 1099 (part time) employees, people working from home full time, people working in an office full time, people alternating between both locations,
I'm thinking of times throughout my life when I've been really fearful. My quick list, in no special order: • The Cuban Missile Crisis • Being struck by lighting in a plane (five times, on two of which I thought we were
A Little Light Goes A Long Way
Have you noticed that as we get better at our responses—create direction out of ambiguity—people are calmer and find their own ways to better cope? That's really the essence of leadership: Provide the direction within which people can make intelligent, autonomous