Taking A Break
A buddy came over for a cigar the other day. We sat in my retreat center about six feet apart, had some scotch and Cohibas. We talked politics and people, TV and jobs. Then I went back to my final
Why Go Back to “Work”?
Is there a chance we're subsidizing people so much that some won't return to their jobs? Many people are in legitimate need and deserve help and support throughout this crisis, so let me acknowledge that first. But as we emerge from
The High Speed Lane
Since I've offered a special coaching program for people during the pandemic, and combining this with the ongoing coaching I've been doing, I can report to you these empirical facts: People who call clients, recommenders, and prospects regularly (daily, at
Episode 135: The Law
Why we have too many lawyers, too much law, and not nearly enough justice. Justice is about being fair and reasonable. Law is a system of rules.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 05/13/20
Today's word: bricolage.
When Every Day Is Casual Friday
I'm running my Building Dynamic Communities Workshop over two mornings instead of "live," using Zoom. This is the fifth time I'm presenting and facilitating a virtual workshop. I find myself preparing by shaving and showering, wearing good clothes, even putting
There’s A Rule of Law and A Law of Rules
Like so many bureaucratic rules, the ones governing the opening up of the economy are often arbitrary. And, as with many arbitrary rules, people feel freer to ignore or violate them. The same applies with clients. What kinds of rules do
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/11/2020
Our great blue heron has returned for the season. It looks like a pterodactyl in flight. It can stand in the pond for hours awaiting a fish to swim by, it doesn’t check email. It’s occasionally joined by an egret,
We Have No Bananas Today. Yes, You do.
Have you ever decided to purchase, join, or invest in something by giving up something else? You decide to take a vacation in Europe instead of going to Florida. You sell your existing car (or trade it in) in order