Look: Don't tell me everything you know, just tell me what I need to know. (The college professor syndrome.) When I ask what it is you do, don't begin by telling me how you got into it. When I ask how much
Episode 130: The Invasion of the Grievance Monsters
Wherein everyone demands everyone else's attention for every minor inconvenience, ending civilization as we know it. There's a reason they're called minor inconveniences.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 04/08/20
Today's word: sibylline.
Did You Hear Something?
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound? If political arguments on Facebook never sway or change the opinion of even one person, is it really debate? In fact, is it really
Conversation Sanitization
In normal times there are idiots on the internet, That's not a "judgment," that's a fact. The idiots are people who are bigoted, profane, become enraged if you disagree with them, are abusive. In these times, they seem to have
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/06/2020
You can allow yourself to be battered and bruised by an unending stream of bad news, repeated ad infinitum by the media under the guise of keeping us informed. You can hide and wait things out. You can, of course, listen and watch
Try Telling Me the Truth with Fact, Not Fable
Perhaps this time I'm overreacting, but it seems to me that you prepare people with facts, not scary metaphors. Calling any given week "our next Pearl Harbor" may be apt, but metaphors invoke fear, not understanding. If the coming week
It’s Only Repetitive If You’re Repetitive
These days of self-isolation and quarantine are identical for people who don't bother to make them different. Explore new things to do with your family, at home or virtually at a distance. Plan what your business will look like once
Fee and Free
Let me suggest a marketing technique that I've found highly effective: Mix "free" and "fee." That is, provide value for your customers and prospects in the form of advice, teleconferences, webinars, Zoom sessions, podcasts, or whatever. But also, concurrently, offer coaching,