Well, Try It Again
I had a power outage. Flipped all the relays, but that didn't help. So I flipped them all again, harder, and that did it. When something doesn't work, don't just give up. Try your solution again with more intent and focus. It
Retirement As A Choice Is Self-Defeating
As you age, the horizon gets closer, no matter what your current age. That means it's time to speed up, not slow down. Healthy people who accept retirement will soon become unhealthy.
Something is a luxury until we successfully use it once. After that, it's a necessity. This about that in terms of the services you provide.
Let’s Move On, We’ve Seen A Lot of Black Swans By Now
I've been telling you that "volatility" and "disruption" are no longer meaningful, since we live with them daily. If you don't believe that, after the market nearly crashes and then has it's biggest single-day gain in history, then you're not
Episode 64: J’Accuse
How being guilty until proven innocent is undermining our freedoms and creating fear and loathing. This is the nature of the world today.
Watch the Antlers
A report in yesterday’s New York Times explained that reindeer can make it through tough winters because “they hibernate on their feet.” In other words (I think), their metabolisms slow up to the point that they can live on stored fat
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/24/18
In the true spirit of the Holiday Season, from our house to yours, Merry Christmas. May you enjoy the gifts of health, peace, and prosperity. Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store. —Dr. Seuss Christmas isn't a season, it's a
Revitalizing the Team
The Patriots are declining this year, though still winning, because their key players are getting old and can't perform as well physically as they once did. Are your key offerings and methodologies and approaches getting old? Maybe it's time in this