The Dog Star: Efficiency
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. –Astrological Definition) Bentley barks at every single vehicle that comes up the driveway, barks
How Many Bulbs Are Lighted?
Two hallway ceiling lights both went dark, and at first I thought we had a fuse problem. But when I took them apart, I found that all three bulbs in each fixture were burned out. I then deduced that the
Hey, Isn’t That Joe Over There Behind Curtain Two?
I had a routine, scheduled medical procedure last week as an outpatient. The medical staff is fixated on privacy, supposedly, due to "HIPAA" laws here. Yet in the prep area I could readily see other patients and hear the conversations
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Please join me in singing this delightful song as we begin our day. It's the only way to forestall the witch hunt currently in progress. And turn off any radio station that's too afraid of the witch hunters to play it.
Alanism: Converting Wine and Prospects
Attraction without conversion is like a beautiful vineyard that produces no wine. Who the hell just wants to stare at grapes?
Episode 62: Retaining and Increasing Power
The first step is to stop forfeiting power and seize the day. No, it's not out of your control.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 12/12/18
Today's word: conurbation.
Inside Out
I'm in a surgical suite this morning for my routine, five-year colonoscopy. HIPAA rules are paramount in these places: patient privacy at all costs. Yet, you can clearly hear the conversation with the receptionist and each patient checking in, and
Patent and Trademark Office Mailings Are Scams
Warning: Anything you receive relative to trademarks from Patent and Trademark Office in Washington is a moronic spam, idiots trying to collect money by notifying you that your trademarks need renewal.