Trying Not To Lose Never Wins
When you refuse to confront poor performance, or bad behavior, or unrealistic expectations because you're afraid of losing the business, you'll lose something much worse in the long run: respect.
The greater and deeper your comfort zone, the greater the discomfort (and even agony) escaping it. Stop feathering your nest and go build a new one.
The Personal Trainer University Course Curriculum
Course number and subject matter: 101: Counting to 15 by one. 103: Counting to 15 backwards by one. 201: Counting to 15 just using every third number. 205: Counting to 15 silently and just announcing the final three counts. 304: Behaving as if you're spotting
Yeah, Yeah, the Big Bad Wolf Is Coming
If you harp on something long enough, it loses its potency. The same phenomenon happens in organizations. "Customer-focused" and "lean" or whatever lose meaning when they are daily, empty mantras. People have to buy into change and initiatives based on their
On the Road Again
In Italy, almost every main road is only two lanes in each direction. And drivers stay right, except to pass. Rarely do you have to use your high beams. Everyone realizes that unless you get out of the way of
Episode 4: Marketing Magic
Roosevelt was right, and we ought to stop being frightened by everything that goes bump˛ in the night. Transcript: Alan Weiss here, welcome to our podcast on Marketing Magic. Let me ask you a question, why don't you purchase from the Indian
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/03/17
We all have a certain amount of energy. It differs, metabolically, from individual to individual, but we all possess 100% of our individual totals. Until we begin to burn it up non-productively. It requires energy to resent, to envy, to hold a
Gabriel Kreuther: Dining Review
When we asked the concierge at the Baccarat for a good pre-theater restaurant we've never tried, she told us there was a terrific French restaurant on West 42nd. A good French restaurant on West 42nd?! Seriously? We're adventurous and wound up
Change and Retention
We can change things around us or retain them, from our residences to our friends, from our hobbies to our outlook. Those are choices. Yet we often allow retention to take place from shear inertia, and change to be foist upon