Alan’s Thought For Today
Believe what you see, not what you merely read or hear. -- Alan Weiss
Dumb-Ass Stupid Promotion
In case anyone out there doesn't think that spammers are stupid and mass emails aren't complete wastes of time, here is a verbatim communication received a few minutes ago. Aside from the ridiculous punctuation errors, Buddy Beagle (that's two names,
Jennifer Lawrence and My Daughter
Jennifer Lawrence received an Screen Actors Guild award a few days ago, and acknowledged in her speech that her start in the business was in an MTV commercial pitching their show Sweet Sixteen. That show was executive produced by my
The Purpose of A Business
The purpose of a business is to offer value (through products and/or services) to customers, who pay for the value with cash or equivalents. Minimally, the money received should fund the costs of operating the business as well as provide
The overwhelming (unsolicited) feedback on my lip-sync comments was in agreement, but I had some people who were outraged that I settled for "less than excellence," and some comments that Beyoncé shouldn't accept the "gig" if she couldn't deliver live. My
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/28/13
January 23, 2013—Issue #175 This week's focus point: What nonsense about lip-syncing. The recorded, reverential Gregorian Chant played before some Masses in church is far superior to the off-key live solos which the music director insists upon. You
I cannot begin to understand the frenzy over Beyoncé lip syncing at the inauguration. She is a talented performer who chose to do what cellist Yo Yo Ma did four years ago, and what Whitney Houston did at the Super
The Dog Star: Learning to Learn
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) I'm watching Bentley, now four months old, learning to be a