In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• The guy watching the golf game who yells “IN THE HOLE!” after each golf shot should be crammed into a hole, with a rock then placed over it. Of all the bores, this one is near the top. • Why
Lying to Yourself
Are you lying to yourself? Many are! Why is it so import to change that? Click the play button and find out. [podcast][/podcast] Download MP3 and now also on iTunes
Guest Column: Successful Advisors and Executives Aren’t Nice!
Successful Advisors and Executives Aren’t Nice! By Todd Ordal From the minute we engage with other humans (and even pets!) our parents tell us, “Be nice!” This is intended to be a catchall for don’t hit, scream, cry or make someone else
Compliance and Commitment
I’ve always been intrigued by the difference between compliance and commitment. They are simple contrasts that make consultants into heroes because so many senior people don’t grok the difference. Of course, that’s assuming the consultant understands the difference. Compliance works only so
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/01/11
August 1, 2011—Issue #98 This week’s focus point: As this appears, the U.S. faces defaulting on its debts and a downgrading of its credit unless legislators and the President can act collaboratively in the next 24 hours.
Copy That
I'm totally revamping my den/office, and I'm finally off the card tables and into about 75% completed digs. On the way to dinner the other night, on a whim, I said to my wife, "Let's stop at Best Buy and
Huey Lewis and the Ducks
We saw Huey Lewis and The News in Atlantic City on our way to Cape May. He encourages photos and we were in the second row. When we came home, a mother duck who had raised her duckies in our pond