On Deductive Reasoning and God
Let's see if I have this straight: 1. The French soccer team beats Ireland for a World Cup berth on the basis of an egregious and widely seen handball, an illegal and pathetic act in this venerated game. The French refuse
Beware the Passive-Aggressive
Passive-aggressive behavior, which seeks to hurt under the guise of help, is highly malicious and potentially damaging. ("Oh, your son was accepted into UCLA? Was that his second choice?") In the June edition of HR Magazine, Signe Wilson offers these
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/21/10
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo®’s mission is to help readers to thrive. June 21, 2010—Issue #40 This week’s focus point: A little action trumps a lot of words. In sports, weeks of "trash talk" fades when the game begins. In business and
Marie Osmond Seeks Alan
Marie Osmond has wanted to meet me for years, so I agreed to go backstage and chat in Las Vegas. Obviously, she was not content with chatting
Survey Says….
IBM's recent Global Chief Executive Officer Study, a biennial survey claimed to be of more than 1,500 CEOs (cited in Consultants News, Kennedy Information, Peterborough, NH: [email protected]) reveals that these people have three primary "imperatives" on their minds: 1. Embody creative
Rhode Island Educators: An Oxymoron?
An eight-year-old, self-assuming kid named David Morales designed a baseball cap to display patriotism as a school project, and included a couple of toy soldiers—maybe three inches long—holding tiny toy guns. The "educators" of the Tiogue School in Coventry, Rhode Island,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/14/10
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo®’s mission is to help readers to thrive. June 14, 2010—Issue #39 This week’s focus point: Most people working with and on "teams" are actually involved with committees. In committees, various interests come together and share resources only
It’s Not Always Relative
I once had to yell at 20 very powerful newspaper publishers in a strategy retreat organized by the American Press Institute that the Holy Grail of the First Amendment did NOT forgive them for sloppy and stupid management. Defending and