From Zero to $300,000
I've just concluded this two-day workshop, which went extremely well. I'm being asked to schedule another. I need at least a dozen people to commit, no deposits, just an expression of interest subject to final dates, probably late spring or
You Mean I’m A Thought Leader for Only $5,000?
I've just received an "invitation" accompanied by a cheap serving dish made in China. I'm invited, as a "thought leader," to something called SANG in Las Vegas. When you go to the web site you find the usual suspects have
Alan’s Motivational Achievement Wall Poster
Alan's Motivational Achievement Wall Poster Adversity When it occurs, it temporarily justifies all the whining you've been doing all along. Boldness What you observe in others until they fail, whereupon you say, "I told you so." Career Usually ignored by people, who keep allowing their jobs
Unethical Squared
You're not going to believe this. Some blogger takes my story of the unethical consulting society which appeared here a few days ago, and uses it on his blog WITHOUT PERMISSION OR ATTRIBUTION. That's right, he calls it a "true
Why Would Consultants Belong to an Unethical Consulting Society?
Many years ago, I delivered a keynote for the Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI). I was a big hit, and we remained in infrequent contact. In late 2008, they approached me again and asked if I could keynote the November,
Resisting the Tides and Winds of Others’ Storms
One of the most difficult positions to occupy and defend is that of being yourself. Every day, individuals, groups, and the mores of society are laboring to assault individuality and toss us into the blender. Normative pressure—the impetus to be part
One Opening for Six Figures to Seven
The workshop From Six Figures to Seven in Las Vegas this coming March sold out within 30 days six months ago. I have just had a cancellation. If you would like the seat, please register on my site ASAP. The
You’re Entitled, I’m Entitled, He/She or It is Entitled….
A woman asked me to visit a blog I had never heard of the other day to lend my expertise to a debate. What I found was a blog owner, who is a speaker, who had posted this situation: In
Suicide Isn’t Painless
Newspapers are dying, with rare exception, all over the place. They've been owned by elitist families or unbending chains. They blame the Internet, younger demographics, and shorter attentions spans. In other words, everyone but themselves. The problem is that the First
Maria, Koufax, Buddy, and I wish you a healthy, safe, and prosperous New Year.
"To act without knowing why; to do things as they have always been done, without asking why; to engage in an activity all one’s life without really understanding what it is about and how it relates to other things--this is