You Think You’re Good? Compared to Whom?
I was watching a dance company that I thought was very good. I was sitting alongside a choreographer whom I knew. I asked her opinion. She didn't hesitate: "I'd say a six out of ten," she said. The perspective of an
Innovation In Drinks
My wife doesn't drink, and the famous Scorpion Bowl was a two-person drink. But now they have made it into a one-person drink, a true technological innovation!
Am I Abiding By Rule 47?
People talk and write about 14 laws of leadership, or 12 rules for motivation, or the 20 traits of excellent coaching. Why make it so complicated? Then there are charts with arrows and boxes and concentric circles. These are all
March Madness
There are two reasons I love the NCAA tournament far more than professional basketball (the NBA): For the vast majority of these kids—maybe 99.5%—this is their biggest moment. They aren't going to the pros and this is a dramatic national
Looking Good
Showing up for my semi-annual physical, my doctor said, "You're obviously healthy." I find that many doctors immediately estimate whether someone looks sick or healthy before a single examination or test. When I've look at auto dealerships, I don't care about
The New Theater
We've seen every Oscar-nominate movie and most of the "also-rans" sitting at home and watching various streaming services, occasionally paying $5 or so for the rental. It's comfortable, the bathroom is clean, the floors are clean, dogs are allowed, and
Expose This
"Exposure" is the state of being exposed to contact with something, or sometimes of placing oneself at risk. Run away from people who want you to do them a favor, contribute something, or participate and lend your talent in return for
“Good Morning” should be “Greetings At the Beginning of this Day”
Remember Y2K when planes were going to fall out of the sky and computers would stop working? Now we have ChatGPT which is going to replace anyone needing to write anything and the threat of AI enslaving the rest of
Moving On
When I was fired by a moronic business owner, I didn't seek a lawyer or become distraught. I became very angry, and decided to use that energy and motivation to build my own business on my terms. Unfair events and
It’s Not Perfect, But it IS Excellent
Our search for perfection is really an excuse not to risk our egos. We're not so much seeking a better result as trying to insulate ourselves from any critique, any chance of failure, any negative feedback. Innovation has nothing to do