Do You Want Me To Drive It Myself?
I mentioned to my colleague, Bruce Turkel, that the hotel's house car was sitting outside, but the staff said they had no one to drive it. Hence, it's simply a parked car. He told me, as another example, that an
Something is a luxury until we successfully use it once. After that, it's a necessity. This about that in terms of the services you provide.
Let’s Move On, We’ve Seen A Lot of Black Swans By Now
I've been telling you that "volatility" and "disruption" are no longer meaningful, since we live with them daily. If you don't believe that, after the market nearly crashes and then has it's biggest single-day gain in history, then you're not
When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. That's the apothegm. When everything causes outrage, then nothing is really outrageous. I'm outraged when a hospital or insurance company withholds gravely needed care over money. I'm not outraged when a driver fails
Steve Forbes and I both spoke on the main stage yesterday morning at the same conference. He was talking about monetary policy and trade strategies when he said, "We need to keep it simple." I was talking about consulting and marketing
Happy Thanksgiving
We all have a great deal to be thankful for yet we too seldom acknowledge that fact. But here we have an "official" holiday enabling us to pay a few minutes to our lives aside from stuffing ourselves with turkey. From
Running Hard
I used to run track. When I fell behind in a race, I didn't give up, or try to reinvent myself in the moment, or proclaim I was a victim, or ask for immediate advice from a coach. I ran
Innovation is applied (pragmatic) creativity. Simple as that.
According to Google, the average Twitter member has about 700 followers, and probably none of those are potential buyers if you're consulting in the corporate world. Think about how you want to spend your time, which is nonrenewable.